Keynote speakers

Johan Kocher

Johan Kocher

General Manager of Dr. KÖCHER GmbH Fulda



We are in a university with about 6,000 students, where the air and the walls are burning of energy, determination and creativity, where these people will hopefully learn to think, solve problems, manage themselves, and later when they leave these walls to serve other people they must lead them. More than 2000 years ago Socrates has put this philosophy to reason. It was the first philosopher, who has made the people in the middle of society, just as we should put our students in the middle of the university.

About the speaker

Johan Kocher graduated the Academy of Economical Studies at the University of Bucharest and he holds a PhD in Economics. Currently, he is the General Manager of Dr. KÖCHER GmbH Fulda, Germany, he is a consultant for the industry and commerce between Germany and countries from the Eastern Europe and he is a member of Germany's Economy Council. He is also the founder of the Research, Development and Commerce Center at the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest and is an associate professor at the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest and “Petru Maior” University of Targu Mures.

Nagy Miklos

Miklos Nagy

The Open University, Knowledge Media Institute (Kmi)
United Kingdom



The Semantic Web holds the promise of a “machine understandable” media where software agents are able to act autonomously in order to provide services to the human users. However the vast amount of heterogeneous and dynamic data makes it difficult if not impossible to develop software agents that only understand pre-defined concepts represented by a general ontology. In practice software agents need to be able to compare and map one concept to another that is encoded by different ontology designers from the same or different domains. As a consequence applications that will operate on the Semantic Web environment need to be able to interpret the available information in order to make good use of it. To achieve this objective interdisciplinary research will play an important role because the emergence of such intelligent behaviour cannot become a reality without it. In order to develop such applications a vast amount of research has already been carried out but several challenges and potential roadblocks still lie ahead. In this presentation I will show the progress we have made at the Open University with the research team of Dr. Maria Vargas-Vera and highlight future development directions.

About the speaker

Miklos Nagy is carrying out his research at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University, United Kingdom. His ongoing interdisciplinary research is focusing on probabilistic methods for uncertain reasoning, problem solving with intelligent agent systems and knowledge representation on the Semantic Web. He served as a research fellow at the Institute for Energy of the Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) of the European Commission where he was working on Semantic Web based data management and dissemination activities for nuclear safety research to support the European energy research community. He places great emphasis on the role of academic research in industry and policy making. Currently he is responsible for software developments that support the implementation of the TEN-T program of the European Commission at the Trans-European Transport Networks Executive Agency.

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