Authors are invited to submit their full papers in English. All submissions will be reviewed based on originality, significance, quality and clarity.
Ethical Guidelines for Publication
The Interdisciplinarity in Engineering International Conference Proceedings publishes peer-reviewed articles. We uphold the best standard of publication ethics and take all possible measures against publication malpractices. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behaviour for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher and the society.
The Interdisciplinarity in Engineering International Conference Proceedings Publication Ethics snd Publication Malpractice Statement is available here:
- PDF (application/pdf, 192 KB, 27 Mar. 2011)
Full Paper Format
Papers should be written in English, they should not exceed 6 pages and must comply with the formatting templates given below.
Formatting templates can be downloaded from here:
Copyright Form can be downloaded from the following link. This form must be filled in, signed, scanned and submitted via the official Conference email after confirmation of paper acceptance.
- DOC (application/rtf, 44 KB, 1 Jun. 2011)
- DOC (application/rtf, 167 KB, 1 Jun. 2011)
Authors should submit their full papers via the official Conference email : or[tod]mpu[ta]gne-retni
The authors must to point out :
- The contact person (email) and affiliation
- The conference section and topic to which paper is most relevant.
After submission, the contact person will be noticed about the receiving of paper(s). The list of published papers will be posted on official INTER-ENG 2011 Conference site.