Preliminary Technical Program

Opening Ceremony

    Thursday, October 8th; 10:00 - 10:30
    Location: On-line

Plenary Session

    Location: On-line
    Keynote Speeches
    Thursday, October 8th; 10:30 - 11:30

Parallel Session

    Thursday, October 8th; 12:00 - 16:00
    Location: On-line

International Workshop on Smart Technologies in Industry 4.0 (RATIONALITY)

    Saturday, October 10th; 10:00 - 15:00
    Location: On-line
    Event in the framework of:
    Social Network of Machines (SOON) Project and Framework for the Identification of Rare Events via MAchine learning and IoT Networks (FIREMAN) Project

SOON logo         FIREMAN logo

Full Technical Program of The Conference

The Technicalprogram can be found here
(application/pdf, 638 KB, 1 Oct. 2020)
Please note that the program is subject to change, therefore please check it regularly.

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